隨著博彩業專營權開放,博彩業已經成為本澳的龍頭產業。雖然經濟藉此得以蓬勃發展,但同時亦衍生各種社會問題,例如賭博失調。 為緩減因賭博所衍生的社會問題,社會業界專業人士於2006年積極參與籌備及設立逸安社。為受賭博失調行
With the liberalization of the gaming industry, it has become the leading industry in Macao. Although the economy has flourished as a result, it has also led to various social problems, such as gambling disorders.
To mitigate the social problems arising from gambling, industry professionals actively participated in the preparation and establishment of Yat On Responsible Gambling Center in 2006. This organization aims to help individuals and families affected by gambling disorders to control their addictive behaviors, establish responsible gambling attitudes and behaviors, and thereby shape a healthy, positive life and reintegrate into family and society.